Kriti Singh
4 min readAug 15, 2021

We live in the 21st century, where the world is moving at a fast pace. New technologies, innovation, and even new types of currency. Globalization and Mark Zuckerberg are making this world more and more connected. Now, it might cause an illusion that we have also moved forward with our social norms and our mentality but honestly….not even close!!!

Yes! Women have started working in the corporate world and some hold a high position as well but according to fortune 500-Year 2020, we just have 41 women chief executives that amount to just 8.1% of the Fortune 500! Where is the representation?

Now coming on the main topic. I recently came across a LinkedIn post regarding menstruation leave and the importance of it. Honestly, I was not surprised to see the insensitive comments on the post by those who don’t even menstruate. It’s bizarre to me how people have opinions about something they have not experienced. These people work in big companies, they hold leadership roles, some of them are even small business owners and this is what their mindset is! Aren’t we supposed to move ahead socially as well? This just proves the taboo we still have around menstruation.

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Menstruation is a biological process, it is not a sickness but there are some problems and disorders attached to it which can be serious like dysmenorrhea, PMS, PMDD, PCOD, etc. Now every person who menstruates has different experiences and for some, it can be very painful. For me, every month is different, sometimes it is painful and sometimes it is not. But no one has the right to judge someone else’s experience. No, you cannot have an opinion about someone’s pain. And mind you, trans men menstruate as well. The pain of menstruation is not just physical, the way hormones play with your emotions is not a joke.

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No one is asking for a week off every month, but one or two days a month is the bare minimum. Why so much insensitivity, it is not our choice, and people who don’t menstruate, sorry but you can’t decide for us. Menstruation leave is our right!

Now I have heard this narrative that some people say “I don’t need period leave, I am not weak”. Honey! No one is asking you at the gunpoint to take it. And it is not about weakness. Another woman I know said “ We are strong, we should not be asking for menstruation leaves “, Okay! But what is the logic behind it? See, these people are mainly too privileged and they sit on their privileged chairs and demean others and their experiences. You don’t have painful periods, then don’t take it. Asking for period leaves doesn’t make you weak, it makes you powerful because you are owning your body and you are asking for your rights. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

There is still so much inequality in our society and cis-men somehow think they need to have an opinion on everything. They want to make decisions for all the other genders. Kudos to Zomato for their revolutionary step in India. Japan was one of the first countries to introduce period leaves in its labour laws in year 1947. Other countries should follow in their footsteps. See it is very simple logic, companies should allow menstruation leave, if the person requires it then they will take it, and if not then they won’t. And a very important point that menstruation leave shouldn’t be included in sick leave because it is not a SICKNESS!!!

Now,this will be profitable for the company as well, it will help in employee retention, job satisfaction, and honestly, the person will have a special bold with the company. It will show how much the organisation truly cares and its ideologies. According to some studies it has been concluded that menstrual cramps are responsible for an average of nine days of lost productivity per year. Many people are not comfortable talking about their period problems with their boss or colleagues. It will help create a safer environment for them. As mentioned in the second paragraph women, the queer community, and the trans community still have very little representation in the lead roles and that is why gender issues are not discussed at all.

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It is 2021 and our period leave is long overdue. Sorry! But we don’t need your conservative mindset and it is not impossible to change. Let’s put our privilege to use. This is not a debate and no, it is not open for discussion. I feel strong asking for my period leave, you should too.



Kriti Singh

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